Date: 16th May 2015
Start: Sant Ferran. Crta. La Mola, Km. 6,2, at 5:30 pm
Finish: Paseo de la Marina (La Savina).
Time limit arrival: at 7:30 pm.
Maximun registration: 700 participants
Registration Price:
15 € until 21st of april de 2015. (on 11th May at 24:00 hrs online registration closes)
20 € from 22st abril to 11st May 2015. (on 11th May at 24:00 hrs online registration closes)
30 € Friday 15th May 2015. ((On 16th May 2015 we will no accept new registrations)
- Athletes who do not have own yellow chip, should rent one at the time of registration (3€ rental + 5€ deposit)
More Info:
Link to: 
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