10/5 Milles Ciutat de Maó 2024

Competition Data

  • Date: 01/06/2024
  • Running
  • Menorca
  • City: Maó
  • Time: 18:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 30/05/2024 23:59
  • Organiza: Unisport Consulting J
  • Fee:
    Price structure
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10/5 Milles Ciutat de Maó 2024

Competition Data

UNISPORT CONSULTING S.L., organiza el próximo día 01 de junio de 2024, la 9a edición de las “10 MILLAS & 5 MILLAS CIUTAT DE MAÓ”, cuya salida se dará a las 18:30 horas en la Fortaleza de La Mola (Port de Maó) para los corredores de 10 Millas y en la Urb. de Cala Llonga, en el Passeig dels Mariners (Parque), para los corredores de 5 Millas.

UNISPORT CONSULTING S.L., organizes on June 1, 2024, the 9th edition of  the "10 & 5 MILES CIUTAT DE MAÓ", whose start will take place at 6:30 p.m. at the Fortress of La Mola (Port de Maó) for the 10 Mile runners and in the Urb. of Cala Llonga,  in the Passeig dels Mariners (Park), for 5 Mile runners. The Finish Line will be the same for both distances and will be located in the Port of Maó (Cruise Ship Maritime Station).


The online deadline for registrations will be the May 30th, 2024

Last-minute registrations, if possible, will be available at the race number collection area: Decathlon Maó – Menorca Shop, Av. d’Europa, 3 –07714 Maó, on Friday May 31th, 2024 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The minimum age to take part in the 10 MILES MAÓ CITY race is 18 years old on the day of the race.

The minimum age to take part in the 5 MILES MAÓ CITY race is 16 years old, being turned in 2024.

For the under-18s it is essential to have authorisation from their parent/guardian when collecting their race number. Please, download form from the website.

Participants with functional diversity are free to register. They can request the code via email info@unisportconsulting.com

Registration for the race implies full acceptance of these regulations.

Registration fees:

10 Miles (16,090 km)

  • · Until 30/04/24                                          €20 + booking fee (€0.90)
  • ·From 1 to 30/05/24                                  €25 + booking fee (€0.90)
  • · In-person registrations**                       €35 + booking fee (€0.90)

5 Miles (8,045 km)

  • · Until 30/04/24                                          €15 + booking fee (0,90€)
  • · From 1 to 30/05/24                                 €20 + booking fee (€0.90)
  • · In-person registrations**                       €25 + booking fee (0,90€)

Participants who are not members of the Athletics Federation must pay €1 for insurance.

Participants who do not have a chip must rent a white chip at the time of registration and that will be given to them along with the bib number. Price: 2 € rent. At the end of the race, the rental chip must be returned.

**In-person registrations will only be made if there are entries available on the date 31/05/2024.

€2 from each registration will be allocated to the Spanish Association Against Cancer.

Registrations are considered final, so it is not possible to replace one athlete with another.

Registration Return Policy:

- Until April 15th: REFUND of 50% of the registration fee

- From April 16th to May 15th: REFUND of 30% of the registration fee.

- From May 16th, cancellations will not be accepted for any reason.

If, for any reason beyond the control of the Organization: health pandemics, terrorist actions, climatic circumstances, accidents or cuts in sections of the route, denial of government authorization for any reason or pretext, etc., the race cannot be held on the scheduled date, at the request of the participant, the Organization will refund 75% of the amount of the registration fee. The remaining 25% will remain in the hands of the Organization to cover the management costs of each participant, such as bank commissions, insurance, bib making or other expenses incurred on the occasion of registration.

In the event of postponement, the participant may also choose to deposit the total amount of their registration and keep it open for the new date.

Services included in the registration:

-      Commemorative gift of the race.

-      FINISHER Medal.

-      Athlete Services:

  •    Refreshment stations during the races.
  •    Post-race refreshments.
  •    Cloakroom service.
  •    Medical assistance in the race.
  •    Transfer by bus to the start of each race.


Friday, May 31

-      17.00 – 20.00 h. – Decathlon Maó – Menorca, Av. d'Europa, 3 – 07714 Maó

  •    Bib numbers pick-up.
  •    Last minute registrations (if there are entries available)

Saturday, June 1

-      10.00 – 14.00 h. - Decathlon Maó – Menorca, Av. d'Europa, 3 – 07714 Maó

  •    Bib numbers pick-up.
  •    On this day, there will be no last-minute registrations

-      16.15 – 17.00 h - Cruise Ship Maritime Station (FINISH LINE)

  •    Bib numbers pick-up.
  •    There will be no last-minute registrations

-      17.30 h – Parking lot of the Cruises Maritime Station

  • Bus departure for 10 Miles participants

-      17.45 h – Parking lot of the Cruises Maritime Station

  • Bus departure for 5 Miles participants

-      18.30 h. – Fortaleza de la Mola

  •    Start 10 MILLES CIUTAT DE MAÓ

-      18.30 h. – Cala Llonga (Park) Passeig dels Mariners


-      18.55 h. – FINISH LINE Cruise Ship Maritime Station

  •    Expected arrival of the first classified 5 Miles.

-      19.30 h. – FINISH LINE Cruise Ship Maritime Station

  •    Expected arrival of the first classified 10 Miles.

-      From 20 h. – 10 & 5 MILLES CIUTAT DE MAÓ TROPHY CEREMONY.

-      Arrival deadline Finish Line: 20.30 h.

-      21 h – Deadline for collection of belongings at the cloakroom.

REFRESHMENTS: Water, isotonic and fruit at the following kilometer points and at the finish line.

  • 10 Miles: 1st point – 3.61 miles (5,800 m), 2nd point – 7.15 miles (11,500 m), 3rd point FINISH LINE                            
  • 5 Miles: 1st point – 2.12 miles (3,400 m) - 2nd point FINISH LINE 


It will be done by means of a chip that must be fixed in the shoe (laces / adhesive Velcro closure), less than 30 cm. from the ground to ensure correct timing.

Participants who have a yellow chip can use it by entering a code in the registration form.

Participants who do not have a chip must rent a white chip at the time of registration and that will be given to them along with the bib. Price: 2 € rent. At the end of the race, the rental chip must be returned.

If the chip is not available or is set incorrectly, it will not be possible to time the race time.


Place: Decathlon Maó – Menorca, Av. d'Europa, 3 – 07714 Maó

Friday, May 31st,  17:00 – 20:00 h. – Bib numbers pick-up and last-minute registrations.

Saturday  1st June 10:00 – 14.00 h - Bib numbers pick-up (On this day there will be no last-minute registrations).

Place: Cruise Ship Maritime Station (FINISH LINE)

Saturday, June 1,  16.15 – 17 h. - Bib numbers pick-up (No last-minute registrations).

To pick up the bib numbers, an official identity document (ID card, passport, driver's license) will be essential.

To pick up the bib numbers, athletes who have claimed to be federated will have to provide proof from the corresponding Athletics Federation, for example a certificate. Only federated in athletics are admitted.

Participants who are unable to attend the collection of their bib in person may authorize another person. There is a form which the authorized person must bring filled out, along with their ID and a photocopy of the authorizer's ID. This document can be downloaded from the website. This procedure is essential to collect a bib from a third person, even if they are relatives. In case of collecting a bib of a federated person, the accreditation indicated in the previous paragraph must be presented.


The organization will make available to the participants, upon request in the registration form, a free transfer service to the starting line of each distance.

All participants, along with their bib number, will be given the ticket to access the bus.

The bus for the 10-mile race will leave at 17.30h.  from the parking lot of the Cruise Ship Maritime Station.

The start of the 10 Miles, Fortaleza de la Mola, has parking that will be enabled for companion cars, however it is convenient to take into account that the access road to La Mola will be closed from 5:00 p.m. and that in the event that a companion does not leave La Mola before the departure, you will have to wait in line for the race.

The bus of the 5 Mile runners will leave at 17.45h from the parking lot of the Cruise Ship Maritime Station.

The organization recommends using the free means of transport (only for participants) that are provided, as the road will suffer significant traffic restrictions. In addition, we remind you that there will be no return bus service from the Finish Line to the places of both starts.


Classifications will be made for each of the categories listed:

-     Men's 10 Mile & 5 Mile Overall

-     Women's 10 Mile & 5 Mile Overall

The following classifications are established based on the age of the participants in 10 miles and 5 miles (all of them will receive a trophy for the 1st place):

-          Junior male and female (born in 2007 and 2008) (16 – 17 years inclusive) *(can only participate in the 5 miles)

-          Junior male and female (born in 2005 and 2006) (18 – 19 years inclusive)

-          Promise (born in 2002, 2003 and 2004) (20 – 22 years inclusive)

-          Senior male and female (born from 2/06/89 to 31/12/2001) (23 – 34 years inclusive)

-          M35/W35 (35 – 39 years inclusive)

-          M40/W40 (40 – 44 years inclusive)

-          M45/W45 (45 – 49 years inclusive)

-          M50/W50 (50 – 54 years inclusive)

-          M55/W55 (55 – 59 years inclusive)

-          M60/W60 (60 – 64 years inclusive)

-          M65/W65 (born before 2/06/59)


All classifications are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the members of the Committee of Judges and Timekeepers of the FAIB (Federació d'Atletisme de les Illes Balears).

TROPHIES: The following runners will receive trophies

· 10 Miles:

o  The first classified in the men's absolute category will receive a trophy and 10 Kg of DO Mahón-Menorca Cheese.

o The first classified in the women's absolute category will receive a trophy and 10 kg of DO Mahón-Menorca Cheese.

o  Trophy for the 2nd and 3rd classified in the men's absolute category.

o  Trophy for the 2nd and 3rd classified in the women's absolute category

o Trophy for the 1st classified and 1st classified in each category by age of the regulations, male and female

·5 Miles:

o  The first place finisher in the men's senior category will receive a trophy and 5 Kg of DO        Mahón-Menorca Cheese.

o The first classified in the women's absolute category will receive a trophy and 5 Kg of DO        Mahón-Menorca Cheese.

o  Trophy for the 2nd and 3rd classified in the men's absolute category.

o  Trophy for the 2nd and 3rd classified in the women's absolute category

o  Trophy for the 1st classified and 1st classified in each category by age of the male and female regulations.


At the start there will be a bag custody service for the participating athletes.

The locker will remain open until fifteen minutes before the race (18.15 h). Only one piece of luggage per participant will be admitted.

The bag must be closed and identified with the label that the organization will provide you with when you pick up the bib number.

An area will be set up in the Post-Finish area where the participants' bags will be deposited, distributed by number. The withdrawal will be made by presenting the bib number.

The organization is not responsible for personal belongings left in the cloakroom.

The maximum time for the collection of belongings will be 21h on the day of the race.


All officially registered participants who have claimed to be federated, participate under the coverage and insurance conditions of the Athletics Federation of their autonomous community. Athletes who have not claimed to be federated and therefore have taken out the race insurance, will be covered by the policy arranged by the organization, which will cover accidents that may occur as a direct consequence of the development of the race, but never as a result of a latent illness or defect, injury, recklessness, negligence,  non-observance of the laws and the articles of the regulations, etc., or those produced in the journeys to and from the place where the race takes place.

The organization declines all responsibility for any damages that participants may suffer or cause to third parties in the hours following their participation in the race.

Athletes who have claimed to be federated will have to provide the original of their license. In case your federation does not provide you with a license document, you will have to provide a certificate from the relevant federation. Only federated in athletics are admitted.

As they are not covered by the organization's insurance, it is strictly forbidden to accompany participants by any type of vehicle, device or on foot. This includes strollers for infants or children.

The Organisation denies all liability for damages that the participants may suffer from or cause to third parties, hours after their participation in the race.

When going to collect the race number, athletes who have claimed to be federated, will have to provide the original license. In case your federation does not provide you with a license document, you will have to provide a certificate from the corresponding federation. Only federated in athletics are admitted.


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