IX Stellantis&You Port de Palma Triathlon Mallorca 2023

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

  • Datum: 17/09/2023
  • Triatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Ort: Can Pere Antoni
  • Ort: Palma
  • Uhrzeit: 08:00
  • Angemeldete:
  • Beginn Anmeldung: 01/05/2023 00:00
  • Limit: 15/09/2023 21:00
  • Gebühren:
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

Sportler, die an diesem Wettkampf teilnehmen und nicht dem Verband angehören, müssen für die Tageslizenz eine Gebühr in Höhe von 5.00 € entrichten.

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IX Stellantis&You Port de Palma Triathlon Mallorca 2023

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

El Club Marathon Mallorca, como organizador, bajo la dirección técnica de la FETRIB, organizará el IX Stellantis&you Port de Palma Triatlón 2023, previsto para el próximo día 17 de septiembre de 2023 a partir de las 08:00 horas.

IX “Stellantis&You” Triathlon Port de Palma de Mallorca



1.      Club Marathon Mallorca, the organizer, under the technical direction of FETRIB, will organize the  IX “Stellantis&you” Port de Palma Triatlón 2023, foreseen to the next september 17th 2023 since 08:00am,  coordinated and produced by Elitechip. This new edition is the following event of the Triathlon project that every year runs through the streets of Palma and starts in the waters of Can Pere Antoni.

2.      This race consists of a Triathlon with distance Olímpic, Sprint, Super Sprint with the distances: 

  • Olímpic: Swimming 1.500 m - Cycling: 40 km - Race: 10 km
  • Sprint: Swimming 750 m - Cycling: 20 km - Race: 5 km
  • Super Sprint: Swimming 350 m - Cycling: 10 km - Race: 2.5 km

3. The register will be carried out through the web www.triatlonpalma.es and  www.elitehip.net  from 1st may 2023 to 14th september 2023 at 21.00pm.

3.1.  Every triathlete who doesn't have their own yellow chip (ChampionChip MyLaps), must rent a white one before the race, for 2 euros.

3.2.   The triathletes who aren't federated in the "Federació de Triatló de les Illes Balears o Española de Triatló", must take out insurance for one day for 5 euros to participate.  All participants taking part in teams,  must pay the insurance for each of its components (4€ per participant who is no federated)  

3.3.  Prices:










33 €

36 €

40 €


29 €

32 €

36 €

Relays- Olímpic

69 €

79 €

89 €

Relays– Sprint

49 €

59 €

69 €


3.4.  From 1st August to 31st  August the price will increase by 6€, according to the price table of the 3.3 point. From 1st September the prices will increase another time according to the previous prices table.

For club discounts you have to send an email to web@elitechip.net , and we will send discount bonus if the requirements are met. This offert will be valid until 31st July 2023.

The register is non-transferable, and suposes the acceptation of the rules and all their articles. Each participant has to take responsibility for being in good physical condition and the thecnical expertise to deal with the race.  

4.    The register to the race gives the right to take part in it, a bib number, a swimming cap, a T-shirt or a commemorative gift, finisher medal, and refreshment station during and after the race.  

5.    With the register, the participants assign their image, video, and sound rights to the organisation, to collect them during the event for the promotion and dissemination of the event.  

6.    The participants agree with the regulation the use of their personal information to recive detailed information of the event, the sponsors and all the information related to the event and its subsequent editions. 

7.    In the case that adverse weather or other factors prevent the planned distances from being run, the organisers will carry out an alternative race in agreement with the judges of the race.

8.    The race will be timed by the Chip system MyLaps, so the athlets will wear a chip in the ankle with a  "velcro" that the organization will give to you if you don't have. If you don't carry the chip with you during the race, you may be disqualified and you will not appear in the results.   

9.    The bib collection will be done the 16th September from  10.00 to 13.00pm  and from  16:00 to 19:00pm in the official  dealership of Peugeot Stellantis&you Palma – C/ Aragón 191. No bibs will be collected on the day of the race.

10.   Drafting will be allowed on the cycling route in accordance with the current FETRIB regulations. If necessary, the organisers reserve the right to modify this point.

11.   Cancellations of the race will only be admitted to registered athletes who communicate it before 31 August 2023 to the e-mail info@elitechip.net . The refund will be 75% of the amount paid for registration. Cancellations can no longer be processed after 31 August.


Next, we offer runners the following options:

In the event of the definitive suspension of the 2023 edition due to any arrangements or emergencies not attributable to the organization, all those registered for any of the events of the Stellantis&you Port de Palma Triathlon 2023 will automatically be registered for the 2024 edition without the need to make any further arrangements.

It is also possible to acquire bonuses for the amount of the registration fee for the events organized by Elitechip SL. In this case, participants must contact us by writing to info@elitechip.net.

As a second option, it is possible to claim the refund provided with 75% by returning the total amount of the race bib to the same bank card number with which the payment was made and the remaining 25% in BONUSES to participate in competitions organized by the company Elitechip S.L.

In any case, participants must contact us by writing to: info@elitechip.net

12.  Any athlete wishing to make a claim must present it in writing with a deposit of 50€ for it to be accepted. The deposit will only be returned if the claim is favourable to the claimant.

13.  The categories of the race will be determined according to the rules of the Spanish Triathlon Federation. Likewise, the absolute category will only be established for the 3 first absolute men and the 3 first absolute women.Junior (18-19 años).

  • Sub-23 (20-23 years)
  • Veterano 1 (40-49 years)
  • Veterano 2 (50-59 years)
  • Veterano 3 (60 or more years)

For the Super-Sprint distance there will only be the absolute category, and there are no classifications by age categories.

The following categories will be established for the relay category.

    • Men's Category 
    • Female Category 
    • Mixed Category

14.  There will be trophies for the first 3 absolute category winners of the Olympic, Sprint and Super Sprint distances. The winners of the age categories of the Olympic and Sprint races will receive a medal and the winners of the age categories of the Olympic and Sprint races will receive a medal that will be awarded to the first, second and third of each category, as well as the relay teams.


-       The organisation will have civil liability insurance to cover the whole event.

-        At 8:00 a.m. Olympic Distance (The timetable can be changed depending on the number of registrations in order to improve conditions)

-      At 09.45 a.m. start for the participants of the Sprint distance.

-        At 10:00 a.m. start for the participants of the Super-Sprint distance.

-       The refreshment posts for the footrace will be as follows: There will be 2 refreshment posts distributed along the circuit, approximately 2/2.5 km apart.

-        The control of the test is carried out by the judges FETRIB (Balearic Triathlon Federation).

-        All participants must wear the swimming helmet and helmet approved for the cycling sector.

-        It will also be necessary to use the bib and elements provided by the organisation in accordance with the regulations of the Spanish Triathlon Federation.

-        The organisation reserves the right to modify the itinerary if it is recommended by major or external forces.

-        All participants will accept these rules by registering.


  •     All the rules for the relay competition are the same for the individual competition.
  •     Participants will wear different coloured helmets and bibs to distinguish them.  
  •     The relay team will be made up of 2 or 3 athletes who will do the swimming, cycling and running sectors.   
  •     The relay will be the time control xip, which each relay runner will have to wear on the turmell.   
  •     The relay will take place in the "BOXES" area.



Swimming:The triathletes will run a 1.5 km lap around the bay of Palma harbour. The arrival and departure will be at Can Pere Antoni beach, correctly signposted with boats, canoes, dinghies and health service boats that will ensure the safety of the participants.

T1 Swimming-cyclism: When the swimming is over, you have to enter the boxes to take the bike where each participant will have a hood to leave all the swimming material and to be able to put on the cycling material. Then you can take the bike and start the cycling sector for 40 KM.

Cyclism: The circuit will consist of 4 laps of 10 kilometres, completing 40 km around a circuit along the seafront promenade of the port of Palma.

The cycling sector will be completely closed to traffic. The triathlete will have to respect the traffic rules at all times and ride on the right.

T2 Cyclism-footrace: At the end of the cycling sector, the rider must enter the pits and leave the bicycle at the same place where it was collected. The helmet cannot be worn until the bicycle has been left in its place. You will be able to take your running poles in your helmet and start the 10 KM race sector.

Footrace: The race on foot will consist of 2 laps to complete the total distance of 10 KM. There will be a refreshment post every 2.5 kilometres approx. The route includes the whole of the seafront promenade. On each lap you will pass through a checkpoint that will count the number of laps. When the second lap is completed, the runners will have to divert to the finish line to finish the Triathlon.


Swimming: The triathletes will do 1 lap of 750 m around the bay of Port de Palma. The start and finish will be at Can Pere Antoni beach, which will be properly signposted with boats, canoes, dinghies and health service boats that will ensure the safety of the participants.

T1 Swimming-cyclism: When the swimming is over, you have to enter the boxes to take the bike where each participant will have a hood to leave all the swimming material and to put on the cycling material. Then you can take the bike and start the cycling sector for 20 KM.

Cyclism: The circuit will consist of 2 laps of 10 km completing a total of 20 km on a circuit along the promenade of the port of Palma. The cycling sector will be completely closed to traffic. The triathlete will have to respect the traffic rules at all times and ride on the right.

T2 Cyclism-footrace: At the end of the cycling sector, the rider must enter the pits and leave the bicycle at the same place where it was collected. The helmet cannot be worn until the bicycle has been left in its place. You can take your running poles in your helmet and start the 5 KM run.

Footrace: The foot race will consist of 1 lap to complete the total distance of 5 KM. There will be a refreshment post every 2.5 kilometres approx. The route will cover the whole of the seafront promenade. On each lap you will pass through a checkpoint that will count the number of laps. When the second lap is completed, the runners will have to turn back to the finish line to finish the Triathlon.


Swimming: The triathletes will do 1 lap of 350m around the bay of Port de Palma. The start and finish will be at the beach of Can Pere Antoni, correctly signposted with buoys, piraigues, dinghies and health service boats that will ensure the safety of the participants.

T1 Swimming-cyclism: When the swimming is over, you have to enter the boxes to take the bike, where each participant will have a hood to leave all the swimming material and to put on the cycling material. Then you can take the bike and start the cycling section for 10 KM.

Cyclism: The circuit will consist of 1 lap of 10 km completing a total of 10 km on a circuit along the promenade of the port of Palma. The cycling sector will be completely closed to traffic. The triathlete will have to respect the traffic rules at all times and ride on the right.

T2 Cyclism-footrace: At the end of the cycling sector, the rider must enter the pits and leave the bicycle at the same place where it was collected. The helmet cannot be worn until the bicycle has been left in its place. You will be able to take your running poles in your helmet and start the 2.5 km run.

Footrace: The foot race will consist of 1 short lap to complete the total distance of 2.5 KM. The route includes part of the whole of the Passeig Marítim. When the first lap is completed, runners will have to turn back to the finish line to finish the Triathlon.


If there are extreme weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rainfall....;

The Technical Delegate and/or the Medical Delegate may decide on the length of the swimming distance or even the cancellation of this segment. The final decision will be taken 1 hour before the start and will be clearly communicated to the athletes, both on the official Facebook profile of the competition as well as over the loudspeaker.

In case of cancellation of the swimming segment, the triathletes will be informed that the triathlon will be converted into a duathlon consisting of the distances:   

  • Olímpica: 10 km footrace+ 40 km cyclism+ 5 km footrace
  • Sprint: 5 km footrace+ 20 km cyclism+ 2,5km footrace.
  • Super Sprint: 2,5 km footrace+ 10 km cyclism+ 1.25 footrace

Departure time will be as scheduled with a 15-minute delay.



Athletes aged 50 and over are allowed to wear neoprene regardless of the water temperature.

If there are extreme weather conditions such as strong winds, floods or jellyfish... etc.

The Technical Delegate and/or the Medical Delegate may decide on the length of the swimming segment and the use of the neoprene. The final decision will be taken 1 hour before the start and will be clearly communicated to the athletes through the official Facebook profile of the competition, as well as by loudspeaker..

The official water temperature will be measured at the beginning of the course and at two other points of the swimming segment, at a depth of 60cm, and 1 hour before the start. The lowest temperature will be considered the official temperature.


Water temperature

The use of neoprene may be compulsory, permitted or prohibited depending on the distance (in metres) and the temperature of the water (in Cº) explained in the following table.


No consent above

Mandatory below:

800 mts

22ºC (age group)

15,9ºC (age group)

1.900 mts

24,6ºC (age group)

15,9ºC (age group)

(*) Note: The specified temperatures are not always the water temperatures used in the final decision. If the external temperature is lower than the water temperature, then the adjustment is to lower the measured water temperature by 0.5ºC every 1ºC difference between the external and water temperatures.

Transport offer.

Balearia has been supporting the practice of sport for several years and besides offering the possibility of carrying a bicycle free of charge, offers a 15% discount with the purchase of a ticket using the code ELITE15.

WARNING! When you pick up your boarding cards, you will be asked at the ticket office to show proof of registration. http://www.balearia.com/



Anmerkungen Anmeldung


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