- -Required helmet.
- -accept the orders of the organization.
- -When registration is required the number of ID card.
- -We go all for the right side of the road.
- -Know before the route.
- -Those who peel off the pilot will be out of the event.
Before March 6
- Ride and food............ € 20
- companions ....... € 8
From 7 to 10 March:
- Ride and food ............ € 22
- · companions, ....... € 10
this price includes
- Insurance-R.C. the cyclist registered.
- Snack-8:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Bar S'Entrada
- Provisioning on-s'Ermita Artà
- Help-technical route
- Lunch and special party at Bar Playa in Costa dels Pins.
Distance: 78.50 km.
High Altitude: 408 m.
Accumulated Climb: 1145 m.
Difficulty level: High
Bank recommended: 39X27
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