Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.
Name | Year | Gender | Club | Category | |||||||
Team: Nostiris!! [R. Miralles and M. Febrer]
Team: Donateam [S. Pardo and E. Nohales]
Team: Trekjumper [J. Alarcón and J. Gual]
Team: Sky [M. Picornell and T. Massanet]
Team: Cajamar-Mercapalma [P. Rigo and J. Roca]
Team: Can Ferrerico [R. Mesquida and J. Mora]
Team: Aquest Equip Mola [F. Manera and J. Morla]
Team: Ripoll-Ferrer [M. Ferrer and F. Ripoll ]
Team: Llucmapowers [R. Secilla Expósito and L. Hidalgo ]
Team: Trotadors D'Algaida [M. Pou and J. Pascual ]
Team: Hem Vengut Pes Vi! [B. Ramis and M. Fontirroig]
Team: Cazamontañas [D. De Antonio and J. Hamad]
Team: Rodadors [P. Company and J. Company]
Team: Autovidal [M. Gomila and S. Tejada]
Team: Gallos [J. Gonzalez and M. Parets]
Team: Cc Santa Margalida [M. Calvó and J. Vanrell Borras]
Team: Fiol Al Quadrat [P. Fiol and J. Fiol]
Team: Venga Mem [M. Mesquida and A. Gari]
Team: Kakenleu Team [P. Febrer and J. Cifuentes ]
Team: Ses Clovelles [G. Oliver and B. Frau]
Team: J. Verger and J. Mas
Team: On Brnm [S. Verger and M. Verger]
Team: Las Tortugas [E. Vallejo and E. Jiménez ]
Team: Que Somos??!! [P. Forteza and A. Lara]
Team: Es Vich [M. Vich and S. Vich]