V DuCross Porreres 2016

Registrations Made

V DuCross Porreres 2016
  • Date: 28/02/2016
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 27/02/2016 21:00
  • Organiza: Pep LLiteres
  • Fee:
    20 €
    15 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 5.00 &euro for a day licence.

Previous Events

V DuCross Porreres 2016

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Cor Que Tenc Pressa [A. Lesmes and S. Diez]
Sebastian Diez Carrera
Andres Lesmes Carrera
Team: Esporllença [H. Gómez and L. Vila]
Llorenç Vila Carrera
Herme Gómez Carrera
Team: Sis Sas [G. Mora and J. Verger]
Gabriel Mora Carrera
Joan Verger Carrera
Team: Porreres Team [M. Fuss and P. Mestre]
Maximilian Fuss Carrera
Pep Toni Mestre Carrera
Team: Jazz Team [G. Fullana and R. Ruiz]
Guillem Fullana Carrera
Ramon Ruiz Carrera
Team: Sancho Team [G. Sanso and J. Llamas]
Guillermo Sanso Carrera
Jose Julian Llamas Carrera
Team: M.Antònia I Pere [P. Mestre and M. Florit]
Maria Antònia Florit Carrera
Pere Joan Mestre Carrera
Team: Physiostressis [J. Fernandez and X. Ros]
Xisco Ros Carrera
Javier Fernandez Carrera
Team: L. Sanchez and G. Riera
Lidia Sanchez Carrera
Guillem Riera Carrera
Team: Binerbo Team [J. Mestre and M. Veny]
M.Antonia Veny Carrera
Joan Toni Mestre Carrera
Team: Brevas Team [A. Llobera and J. Izquierdo ]
Antonio Llobera Carrera
Juan Luis Izquierdo Carrera
Team: Oxigencentre.Com [B. Alomar and T. Jofre]
Bartomeu Alomar Carrera
Toni Jofre Carrera
Team: Jordi I Toni [T. Lliteres and J. Fernàndez Saus]
Jordi Fernàndez Saus Carrera
Toni Lliteres Carrera
Team: Sura Sports [X. Botín and E. Fuster]
Eduardo Fuster Carrera
Xisco Botín Carrera
Team: Esporreres [B. Amengual and G. Servera]
Bernat Amengual Carrera
Guillem Servera Carrera
Team: Els Burinots [M. Moreno and J. Granada]
Jaume Granada Carrera
Manuel Moreno Carrera
Team: M. Adrover and B. El Jouhri
Ben El Jouhri Carrera
Matías Adrover Carrera
Team: Bauzá Miró Brothers [J. Bauzá and M. Bauzá]
Jaume Bauzá Carrera
Miquel Bauzá Carrera
Team: L.Binimelis Y N.Barba [N. Barba and L. Binimelis]
Laura Binimelis Carrera
Nazaret Barba Carrera
Team: F.De Paula Y J. Alabarce [J. Alabarce and F. Manzano]
Francisco Manzano Carrera
Jonatan Alabarce Carrera
Team: Bar Can Guillem [G. Barceló and A. Aragunde]
Guillem Barceló Carrera
Adrian Miguel Gerardo Aragunde Carrera
Team: G&G [G. Julià and G. Adrover]
Gregori Julià Carrera
Guillem Adrover Carrera
Team: Corro Team [T. Sastre and A. Bonet]
Antonio Bonet Carrera
Toni Sastre Carrera
Team: Vamonos Pal Lio!! [S. Obrador and A. Marti]
Antoni Marti Carrera
Sebastia Obrador Carrera
Team: Los García [A. García and E. García]
Elenita García Carrera
Alejandro García Carrera

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category Route
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