II Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2017

Registrations Made

II Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2017
  • Date: 26/03/2017
  • Cursa BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Bunyola
  • Time: 09:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 24/03/2017 23:59
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II Bunyola Xtrem Dual BTT 2017

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Ooouuuyeeeaaaaah [D. Jordan and J. Ludeña]
Juan Antonio Ludeña BTT 48 Km.
David Jordan BTT 48 Km.
Team: Cc.Trotadors D'Algaida [M. Pou and J. Pascual ]
Miquel Pou BTT 48 Km.
Javier Onofre Pascual BTT 48 Km.
Team: Dani&Jorge [D. Barnes and J. Zarcos]
Daniel Barnes BTT 48 Km.
Jorge Zarcos BTT 48 Km.
Team: Caldentey Team [J. Oliver and B. Galmes ]
Bernat Galmes BTT 48 Km.
Jaume Oliver BTT 48 Km.
Team: Lady Boys [D. Porto and B. Crespí]
David Porto BTT 48 Km.
Bartomeu Crespí BTT 48 Km.
Team: M&S Team Mtb [A. Silva and S. Perez]
Artur Miguel Silva BTT 48 Km.
Sergio Perez BTT 48 Km.
Team: Poc A Poc I Amb Bones [J. Lopez and J. Sabater ]
Jaume Lopez BTT 48 Km.
Juan José Sabater BTT 48 Km.
Team: Montambikeros [F. Garcia and R. García]
Francisco Javier Garcia BTT 48 Km.
Rafael García BTT 48 Km.
Team: Baixfort Mtb [J. Servera and T. Alomar]
Jaume Servera BTT 48 Km.
Toni Alomar BTT 48 Km.
Team: Afex/Cala D'Or Caldentey Team [A. Manresa and J. Capó]
Andreu Manresa BTT 48 Km.
Jaume Capó BTT 48 Km.
Team: C.C.Mancor De La Vall [S. Ferrer and G. Ignaci]
Sebastià Ferrer BTT 48 Km.
Guiem Ignaci BTT 48 Km.
Team: Faixats Team [M. Llull and J. Gomila]
Miguel Ángel Llull BTT 48 Km.
Juan Sebastian Gomila BTT 48 Km.
Team: Bike Against The Machine [R. López and S. Ravina]
Rolando López BTT 48 Km.
Sergio Ravina BTT 48 Km.
Team: Su-Atges Moute En Bici [E. Sanchez and T. Quetglas]
Emilio Jose Sanchez BTT 48 Km.
Toni Quetglas BTT 48 Km.
Team: Cala D'Or Caldentey Bike Team [J. Alabarce and M. Capó ]
Jonatan Alabarce BTT 48 Km.
Miquel Capó BTT 48 Km.
Team: Team Rad International [H. Sandner and S. Nething]
Harald Sandner BTT 48 Km.
Sascha Nething BTT 48 Km.
Team: Cazamontañas [D. De Antonio and F. García]
David De Antonio BTT 48 Km.
Francisco García BTT 48 Km.
Team: A. Callejón and C. Dulin Quetglas
Andrés Callejón BTT 48 Km.
Claudio Dulin Quetglas BTT 48 Km.
Team: No Sugar In Blood Team [M. Hennemann and M. Osuna]
Mario Hennemann BTT 48 Km.
Miquel Osuna BTT 48 Km.
Team: Salvem La Serra [M. Oliver and J. Oliver]
Miquel Angel Oliver BTT 48 Km.
Javier Oliver BTT 48 Km.
Team: Monkeys Team [A. Muñoz and J. Fernandez]
Albert Muñoz BTT 48 Km.
Jose Antonio Fernandez BTT 48 Km.
Team: Dins Es Brut [F. Barcelo and M. Pujol ]
Francisco Javier Barcelo BTT 48 Km.
Mateo Pujol BTT 48 Km.
Team: Caragol I Llebre [J. Binimelis and M. Vicens ]
Juan Binimelis BTT 48 Km.
Maties Vicens BTT 48 Km.
Team: Gomila Team [R. Jimenez and J. Trujillo]
Raul Jimenez BTT 48 Km.
Jesus Trujillo BTT 48 Km.
Team: Meam Si Torn Racing Team [M. Ferrer and G. Ferrer ]
Gabriel Ferrer BTT 48 Km.
Miquel Ferrer BTT 48 Km.
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